Baby's Breath Seeds, Gypsophila Seeds

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Baby's Breath Seeds, Gypsophila Seeds

Baby's Breath Seeds, Gypsophila Seeds

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy until the seeds germinate, which usually takes 10-20 days. Keep the area around the plants weed-free and maintain consistent moisture throughout the growing season. Dig planting holes slightly larger than the root balls of the seedlings, maintaining a spacing of 12-15 inches (30-38 cm) between plants. In 1828, G. paniculata was introduced into the United States, where it became known as baby’s breath.Baby’s breath is best known for its white blooms, but the plant also comes in pink and rose. Hardy in plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, it is a long-lived perennial. The plant grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide, with a gentle rounded form. Getting Started Baby’s breath contains a sap that some people find irritating. The irritation is mild and lasts only a few minutes. If you experience itching or a rash, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and wear gloves when handling this plant. Varieties and Types of Baby’s Breath Plants People fell in love with the dainty, airy blooms and florists saw its potential as a versatile cut flower. It’s a staple in every flower shop, and is used in bouquets for every occasion, from weddings to funerals. Yes, Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata) is considered toxic to cats. If ingested, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues. If you have cats at home, it’s better to keep Baby’s Breath out of their reach or choose a non-toxic alternative for your garden.

Perennial varieties of Gypsophila can be propagated through basal cuttings, and alpine varieties should be divided in early spring. Annual Gypsophila should be sown in their final growing position from April - June, or September. For an ongoing flush of flowers throughout the summer, sow annual varieties every couple of weeks during the spring. How to sow Gypsophila This plant does not take well to rich soils, fertilisation, or watering; where Baby’s Breath is concerned, ‘Less is more’. To plant baby's breath, find a location in your garden that has well-draining soil. Dry, less acidic soils nestled in full sun (six to eight hours a day) is ideal. Optimal soil pH is between 7.0 and 7.4, though the plant will tolerate a pH up to 8.0. You can add lime to soils to increase pH before planting if necessary. Once you are ready to plant, proceed by broadcasting the seeds, or sow seeds evenly in rows eight to ten inches apart. Seedlings can be thinned out to be about eight to ten inches apart from one another after growing to a height of one inch tall. Once they are established, baby's breath will require almost no care, provided the soil conditions remain well-drained and slightly alkaline. encourage baby's breath blooms Cover the cutting and pot with a plastic bag or place it in a propagating case to maintain humidity.Direct seeding can be done once the soil warms. Wait to transplant seedlings started indoors until after your lastfrost. Perennial Babys Breath can be planted at any time of year provided the soil is warm enough (over 15°C), but the best time to plant roots and plants is early spring, giving them enough time to develop roots and establish before flowering in summer. Soil

It is hard to treat but you can guard against it by mulching around the stem before the onset of winter. Botrytis Find out if unwanted spread is an issue in your area via the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Plants Database before you plant it.

How to Propagate

Sclerotinia Crown Rot: Dark spots appear on lower stems and roots, plants wilt and rot. A white fungus with dark structures appears on the dead plant tissue. Burpee Recommends: Remove affected plants. Make sure there is good drainage. Common Pest and Cultural Problems

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